Saturday, December 3, 2011


:-} In this vast open field...

....I seem very small...

#_Di bumi yang terhampar luas...

...Aku terlihat begitu kecil...

:-} I have not the strength of a mighty 

oak tree...

....Not the greatness and pride of the


....Not the beauty and splender of the pure white lily...

#_Tubuh ku tak setegap pohon Jati yang berakar tunjang.

...Tidak sekukuh dan semegah gunung nan tinggi...

...Tidak seperti mekar melati yang harum mewangi...

:-} I can't avoid the strong gusts of wind...

....I am defenseless againts the forcefull rain...

....Am helpless under the merciless heat of the sun...

#_Rejam angin ribut tak mampu kutepis...

...Terpahan hujan lebat yang mengguyur,tak dapat kutangkis...

...Cengkram terik mentari terus saja membengis...

:-} However...,

...My heart never wavers in the face of difficulties...


...Perjuangan hidupku tak pernah goyah...

:-} I believe...

....Even if the wind is unfeeling...

...If the rain is savage an icy cold...

...The heat of the sun is unyielding..

...It will never uproot my courage...

...Will not retard my growth...

...Not hinder me from reaching far and wide...

#_Aku percaya...

...Sesungguhnya angin ribut yang membuas...

...Hujan Deras/Lebat yang mengganas...

..Terikan mentari yang mencengkram...

...Tak bisa menghambat pertumbuhanku...

...Tak bisa menhalangiku membiak melata kesegala penjuru....

-} I am confident...

...The mighty wind will only puff a way the dust on my shoulders...

...The unrelenting rain 

:is just showing fertilizers for my growth...

...The ruthless sun is just providing me with nutrients...

#_Aku Yakin....Sebenarnya....

...Buasnya angin Taufan sekedar menyapu debuan dipundakku...

...Ganasnya hujan deras umpama menabur baja khasiat,kepadaku...

...Terik cengkram mentari hanyalah bagaikan sajian hidangan ....kehidupanku....

:-} The Realize....

....The ferocious wind is strengthening me...

....The Unsympathetic sun is giving me new life.

....And now I have the roots of motivation in my life...

#_Aku sadar,bahwasannya.....

...Ributnya Taufan, sebenarnya menambah tumbuh kental jiwaku...

...Teriknya mentari, bagaikan memberi nafas baru...

...Dan kini, Semangat rumput menjadi motivasi hidupku...

~~~~~Just My Motivation Life~~~~

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